Early Career Teacher Mentor Programme


What does my training schedule look like for me as a Mentor?

We are delighted to confirm that all ECT Mentors are entitled to a two-year programme of training, regardless of where their ECT is on their journey. Your two-year journey will look like this:

How is the Programme structured for ECTs and Mentors?

The ECT Programme is built upon these key principles:

  • Key learning is broken down into small, manageable chunks.
  • Clear modelling of effective practice.
  • Multiple opportunities to return to key learning.
  • Practice and feedback.
  • Learning is contextualised.
  • Familiar routines.

As a mentor your role is to support the ECT(s) you work with to develop their expertise in teaching. Key aspects of this are: building a strong professional relationship with your ECT(s); running weekly (/fortnightly in year 2) Instructional Coaching and continually refining and developing your own mentoring practice by participating in Mentor Conferences, Clinics and Coaching for Mentors sessions.

What types of training do I receive as a Mentor?

All Mentors are now entitled to a two-year programme of training, regardless of where their ECT is on their journey. This means that a replacement mentor who joins part way through, no longer has to ‘catch up’ on missed content. Instead, they start from the beginning. This also means that a replacement mentor’s programme may continue beyond the end of an ECT’s training programme.

What will my ECT learn and master over the two years?

Early Career Teachers are entitled to learn all of the content from the Early Career Framework over the course of their two-year induction period. Ambition Institute’s Early Career Teachers programme is designed so that the teacher self-study content is contextualised through instructional coaching, delivered by you as the mentor. This supports teachers to embed this learning into their everyday classroom practice. The facilitated teacher conferences and clinics then complement and deepen this learning. The content is divided into three strands (‘Behaviour’, ‘Instruction’ and ‘Subject’), each designed to be completed over the course of a term.

B1Strand fundamentals and re-contractingIntroduces foundational elements of behaviour and supports teachers and mentors to set up effective ways of working.
B2RoutinesExplores effective routines, the role of classroom environment and its connection learning.
B3InstructionsShares role of high-quality instructions and how to plan and reinforce them.
B4Directing attentionExamines monitoring and reinforcing expectations with praise, voice and movement(s).
B5Low-level disruptionFocuses on managing low-level disruption to learning and how to maintain a positive environment.
B6ConsistencyExplores how teacher consistency builds a positive learning environment.
B7Positive learning environmentFocuses on the classroom culture required for pupils to learn effectively
B8Making learning manageableShares the link between success, behaviour and grain size.
B9ChallengeExplores the role challenge plays in pupil behaviour.
B10Independent practiceConsiders the link between successful independent practice and expectations routines and feedback.
B11Pairs and groupsFocuses on how to make paired and group work successful through expectations, routines and culture.
B12Upholding high expectationsExamines how to continually reinforce established foundations.
I1Strand fundamentals and re-contractingIntroduces foundational elements of instruction and supports teachers and mentors to set up effective ways of working.
I2Identifying learning contentFocuses on identifying essential concepts and considering their role in planning and assessment.
I3Instruction for memoryConsiders how teaching can support lasting change in pupils.
I4Prior knowledgeExamines the implications prior knowledge and misconceptions have on instruction.
I5Teacher expositionExplores the challenge(s) when introducing new information and how modelling, explanations and scaffolds can help.
I6Adapting teachingFocuses on how effective instruction requires adapting teaching to support and challenge all pupils.
I7Practice, challenge and successExamines what constitutes purposeful practice and how practice is an integral part of effective teaching.
I8Explicit teachingExplores explicit teaching across a lesson/unit of learning.
I9ScaffoldingFocuses on how scaffolds and worked examples can help pupils and how to gradually remove them.
I10QuestioningLooks at how effective questions can deepen and extend pupil thinking.
I11Classroom talkExplores how classroom talk can help to develop pupils’ mental models.
I12FeedbackExamines the link between teacher questions, feedback for pupils and responsive instruction.
S1Strand fundamentals and re-contractingIntroduces foundational elements of instruction and supports teachers and mentors to set up effective ways of working.
S2Planning backwards from learning goalsFocuses on the importance of subject excellence and starting with what teachers want pupils to learn.
S3Types of knowledgeLooks at the differing nature of subjects, the importance of mental models, knowledge and identifying core knowledge within subjects.
S4Gaps and misconceptionsExplores the need to identify and respond to gaps in pupil knowledge and pupil misconceptions.
S5Acquisition before applicationExplores the role secure relevant knowledge can play prior to application and how to build and check for high success rates
S6Promoting deep learningFocuses on ensuring deep, hard thinking about key ideas that develops pupil mental models and flexible knowledge.
S7Developing pupils’ literacyExplores the varying nature of literacy across and within subjects/phases and the important role of vocabulary, comprehension and oral literacy.
S8Sharing academic expectationsExamines the links between challenging academic expectations, purposeful planning and breaking down and modelling content.
S9Assessing for formative purposesExamines the link between learning goals, formative and summative assessments.
S10Examining pupils’ responsesLooks at drawing inferences, identifying misconceptions and getting pupils to elaborate as part of formative assessments.
S11Adapting lessons to meet pupil needsExplores the ways formative assessments can provide inferences to adapt teaching to meet the needs of their pupils.
S12FeedbackFocuses on aspects of effective feedback so that pupils can put it into action to improve their understanding.