Some of our policies are specific to each of our academies. Visit academy websites to read the localised versions of the following policies:
Academy Transformation Trust serves as the Admissions Authority for all of its academies. For further details, click on the links below.
How to apply
If you would like to apply to one of our academies as part of the ‘normal’ admissions round (Reception, Year, 3, 7 or 12), then please do so via the Local Authority where you live.
Please see our policy for details of how to apply in-year.
Details of the application process can be found by clicking on the appropriate Local Authority below:
Academy Transformation Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07846852. The Registered Office is at Unit 4, Emmanuel Court, Reddicroft, Sutton Coldfield, B73 6AZ.
You can access company information by clicking on the following links:
ATT Trustees Report And Financial Statements 2023-2024
Memorandums and Articles of Association
Modern Slavery Statement 2023-24
Previous Records
ATT Executive Pay
Academy Trusts are required to publish the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100,000 in £10,000 bandings, for the previous year ended 31st August. Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions, other taxable benefits, and termination payments.
In accordance with the requirements of the Academy Trust Handbook, the number of employees whose employee benefits exceeded £100,000 in the financial year 2022/2023 was:
In the Band | Number |
£100,001-£110,000 | 8 |
£110,001-£120,000 | 3 |
£120,001-£130,000 | 5 |
£150,001-£160,000 | 2 |
£210,001-£220,000 | 1 |
All benefit bands over £100,000 | 19 |