Our LGBs are the local branches of our governance structure. They are made up of Staff, Parent and Community Governors.
One Staff Governor is elected by academy colleagues to serve on the board, which helps to represent the interest and viewpoints of colleagues in meetings. At least two Governors will be parents of children who are currently attending the academy. The rest of the board is made up of Community Governors, who we aim to recruit from a a broad range of professional backgrounds. Their range of experience helps the board to provide effective oversight of all the varied aspects of running a school.
Our local governors are accountable to ATT’s Trustees. LGB Chairs feed back to the Board of Trustees about their academy’s performance and progress. The Trustees are accountable to the Members, who provide the highest level of non-executive oversight in our Trust.
What does an LGB Do?
The role of a Local Governing Body (LGB) is to oversee the work that academy leadership undertake to improve the school. Individual Governors usually take on a specific area of focus, such as safeguarding or special educational needs, and work closely with the relevant school leader to learn more about the academy’s strategies to ensure success in that aspect. They report their findings back to the rest of the LGB, who ask challenging questions of leaders to establish and develop areas for improvement.