The Judith Carter Adaptive Teaching Series – Embedding the Essential SEND Toolkit

Judith Carter is a registered Educational Psychologist (EP,) Author and Director of Willow Tree Learning. Judith is the author of “SEND Assessment: A strengths-based Framework for Learners with SEND” and “SEND Intervention: Planning Provision with Purpose” both published by Routledge Speechmark as part of the Essential SENCO Toolkit series.

The ‘Essential SENCO Toolkit’ has been adopted by ATT as a common language for the assessment of SEND and a guide for effective adaptive practice. Judith Carter will be delivering a series of sessions to support colleagues who lead, deliver and enable education to explore and embed the toolkit.

Session 1

Integrating the language of the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio into the Assess, Plan, Do and Review cycle of SEN Support

This session will provide an overview of the 49 learning attributes within the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio and consider how these can help to inform the APDR cycle for learners at SEN Support. The purpose of identifying learners at SEN Support will be revised, along with what is meant by provision that is ‘additional to or different from’ the differentiated curriculum. Practical support for the management of SEN Support meetings will be discussed.

Session 2

The ABC-D of writing Targeted Outcomes

This conversation will introduce the ABC-D of writing targeted outcomes and consider how to support staff to grow in confidence with this process. By defining the area for development (A), the baseline (B), the anticipated change (C) and the actions to do (D), teachers can have greater clarity and ownership of the intent and implementation of SEN Support.

Session 3

Capturing the intent of TA time, using the 4 functions of Learning Support

Time will be spent exploring the framework of the 4 functions of learning support which defines TA time as either mediating learning, reinforcing a skill or learning behaviour, carrying out an assessment or delivering an intervention, and considering how this can help teachers to target effective SEN provision.

Session 4

Involving Children and Young People in strengths-based learning conversations using the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio

The focus of this session will be sharing the language of the 7 Cs with learners themselves and promoting their ‘ownership’ of strengths and areas for development. Time will be spent exploring methods for pupil engagement in their learning and the anticipated impact of this.

Session 5

Sharing the language and principles of the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio with Families

This session will explore how to introduce families to the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio and to promote family participation in the APDR process. Use of the family leaflets will be shared along with other opportunities to empower parental involvement in the APDR process.

Session 1Integrating the language of the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio into the Assess, Plan, Do and Review cycle of SEN Support1 October
Session 2The ABC-D of writing Targeted Outcomes19 November
Session 3Capturing the intent of TA time, using the 4 functions of Learning Support11 February
Session 4Involving Children and Young People in strengths-based learning conversations using the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio1 April
Session 5Sharing the language and principles of the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio with Families10 June

All sessions run from 16.00-17.00 on Microfost Teams. Places can be booked via our SharePoint.