We’re excited to be running the Lead Practitioner Accreditation with SSAT in 2024-25!

Lead Practitioner Accreditation is a nationally recognised status of excellent practice in education for teachers, support staff and leaders at an individual or cohort level, in any phase. This professional accreditation is open to all who act as leaders within their school or Trust.

Lead Practitioner accreditation is a professional learning process that drives whole-school improvements in teaching and learning by building a culture of evidence-informed practice. The course is project-based, so you can undertake work that is relevant to, and will have a real impact on, your specific setting. Our programme is delivered by our expert facilitators from our Lead Practitioner Learning Centre at Ofsted Outstanding Bristnall Hall Academy. Participants will have the opportunity to visit the academy and see the impact of Lead Practitioners in action!

Looking to Unlock Your Leadership Potential?

Applications to be part of our Autumn 2024 cohort are now closed.

Course Structure


Delivered in our ‘hybrid’ format, course participants can join the session at their closest ATTI Hub.


Delivered online to fit around your other commitments.


Lead practitioner visit to the Outstanding Bristnall Hall Academy Lead Practitioner Learning Centre

Why Transformational Efforts Fail25 Sep
Developing an Action Plan25 Nov
Project Write-Up Support2 May
Stages of Implementation10 Oct
Researching the Hinterland07 Nov
Bristnall Hall Academy Lead Practitioner Learning Centre14 Jul

Additional Sessions for SEND Leaders (current and aspiring deputy and assistant SENDCos without QTS)

The Role of the Deputy/Assistant SENDCo17 Sep
Exploring Themes in SEND18 Oct
Revisiting Themes in SEND6 March


Coaching support from expert mentors (online)

Programme Benefits

  • Celebrating practitioners on an individual level: Accreditation improves professional skills and expertise, helping embed and extend teaching and learning in your school that impacts positively on learners.
  • Leaders of learning: Provides a framework and set of standards for benchmarking. Once accredited, LPs continue their journey inspiring others to embrace LP standards and creating communities of learners across the system.
  • Peer support: Cohort participants are supported by and inspired by their peers.
  • Evidence of impact: Outcomes are more immediate, measurable, and transferrable due to the large scale of LP.
  • Learning culture: Fosters confidence in developing and testing ideas.
  • Recruitment and retention: Establishes an evidence-informed culture in schools, attracting and inspiring staff

Who is This Programme For?

We welcome applications from:

  • Trust subject leads
  • Existing Lead Practitioners looking to gain their accreditation
  • Subject Leaders, deputies or second in department
  • Leaders of a projects across their school or Trust
  • Coaching leads
  • Evidence Leads in Education

You do not need Qualified Teacher Status to gain this accreditation. We will be running an exclusive cohort for non-teaching practitioners.

Course Cost

The cost of this course is £695. Speak to your academy leadership team about support for funding.