Welcome to our second ATTI teacher training bulletin!
We’re hard at work in the background preparing for the start of your programme in September, and we’re looking forward to updating you on your school placement in the coming weeks.
Katie Pattinson
Deputy Director of Institute
Completing Your SKE
Secondary Applicants
The steps to complete your SKE can be found on the Ambition Guidance Hub under the Subject Knowledge Enhancement tab. Make sure you’re aware of these details for Secondary SKE Application and remember to upload your certificate on completion of the course.
Primary Applicants
Follow this link to find SKE resources, free for all Primary applicants to brush up on. This includes an introductory document, English & Maths folders with videos & workbooks.
You do not need to upload anything to your portal on completion.
Understanding ITT Finance
Let’s Celebrate!
We’re so excited to have you on our ITT programme! If you love to share your milestones on social media (just like us!), use this gif and the hashtag #ATTITeacherTraining to make sure we can see it and celebrate with you!