Liz Barrett has made a significant difference to the local community through her inspirational work in community education which she has tirelessly championed for 16 years in North Nottinghamshire. Now Principal of Academy Transformation Trust Further Education, she has transformed thousands of lives through her development of a curriculum including those with learning difficulties and disabilities, and for unemployed people.

Beyond this, she has committed a selfless dedication to local voluntary and charitable organisations. This includes being Chair of Governors of Sutton Community Academy and a key member of Huthwaite Involving Patients Group (HIP) at her GP practice, a group liaising between patients and medical staff.

She is trustee and founder of Nottinghamshire Homeless Eyecare, which supports homeless and vulnerable people including refugees and asylum seekers with eye tests and founding director of the social enterprise Let’s All Eat in Sutton that uses supermarket food surplus to provide a healthy, safe and social eating venue for the poorest local families.

Liz is a trustee and director of Sutton Youth Radio Ltd which develops personal skills in disadvantaged young people through radio/media production and presentation and has been such a pro-active member of the local Rotary, whose motto is ‘Service above Self’, that she took office as President after only 4 years.

No-one is more deserving of recognition for lifetime achievement to their profession in a local context, and to the local area – the award was presented to Liz at the Chad Business awards 29 November.