Schools and Trusts looking for a teacher training provider can now partner with ATT Institute! Perhaps you’re looking to grow your own teachers from your existing staff, or you’d like us to place trainees in your school, we can help you fulfil your training needs. Read on to find out more!

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About ATT Institute

Our Initial Teacher Training programme emphasises training in the classroom, building more confidence and stronger relationships with pupils. Your trainees will get the high-quality academic training you’d expect from a university, combined with immersive classroom learning.

ATTI Institute has partnered with Ambition Institute to deliver Initial Teacher Training. You’ll benefit from the dedication of a small team of expert providers, backed by the powerhouse of Ambition, who have already trained 54,000 teachers across the UK.

Our Trust operates across the Midlands and East of England. We have two Hub locations, in Sutton Coldfield in the West, and Mildenhall in the East. Trainees spend the vast majority of time in your school, but will need to attend one of these Hubs in-person for two days at their course launch in September.

How our Programme Benefits Your School

  • Supports novice teachers to improve through proven methods like Deliberate Practice and Instructional Coaching
  • Places inclusion at its heart, developing teachers that can adapt their practice to the needs of their learners
  • Develops your existing teachers through an expert mentor curriculum, with access to the General Mentor Training Grant funding
  • Supports recruitment- trainees are with your school most of the year, allowing you to induct them into your values and culture

It has been great to observe how our trainee teachers have integrated into life in school, forming positive professional relationships with staff and students, and working hard to support all of our students and the wider school community.”

Lauren, Induction Coordinator

Grow Your Own Teachers

The salaried route

Schools often have existing staff who would like to train as teachers. Choosing ATTI makes this easy; unlike some other courses, our ITT programme allows the trainee to spend the vast majority of their time in your school, with a brief placement in one other setting as required by the DfE. Your trainee teacher will be in school five days a week and teaching right from the start, giving them a seamless transition into their new role.


  • Gain trainees that you have an existing relationship with, who are already familiar with your school and learners
  • Trainees will be in your classrooms and teaching right from the start of their programme
  • The trainee will undertake the majority of their programme in your school
  • You get to invest in the development of your staff
  • Your dedicated Lead Mentor will be on hand as a central point of contact to support you and your trainees

Salary grants are available from the DfE to support trainee secondary teachers who were already employed by their placement school before the start of their course. After course fees have been deducted, the remainder of this grant is paid to the school to support the payment of the trainee’s salary. Grant amounts are dependent on subject- find out more on the DfE website.


Trainees must have a GCSE Grade 4 (C) or above in Maths and English. Primary trainees also need to have a Grade 4+ in a science subject.

All trainees need to have an undergraduate degree, though this does not necessarily need to be in the subject they are training to teach.

ATTI does not offer all secondary subjects. Please check against our list to ensure we offer the subject you want your employee to train in.

Become a Placement School

Place our ITT programme participants in your school

If you’re ready to take on trainee teachers, you can become a placement school. This means that we can place trainees who sign up to our ITT programme in your school as their main placement.


  • Support the recruitment of new teachers in your school
  • Build a relationship with a trainee who you may wish to employ permanently after their training
  • Your existing staff benefit from expert mentor training

As the trainees are not employed by your school during this time, you don’t need to pay them a salary- we’ll provide the trainees with guidance on their options to fund their programme.

Important Information

ATTI does not offer all secondary subjects. Please check against our list to ensure we offer the subject you want your placed trainees to be teaching.

We will be recruiting trainees primarily in areas where our Trust operates, across the Midlands and East of England. We will be more likely to be able to offer you trainee placements if your school is in these regions.

“We have really valued having ATTI trainee teachers in the academy this year. The structure of the course allows trainees to really embed fully into academy culture and contribute to subject teams.”

Richard, Secondary Principal

Beyond ITT

If your teachers train with ATTI, they can stay on with us to complete their Early Career Teacher programme, also delivered in partnership with Ambition Institute. Completing their ECT years with the same provider will help support your teachers, reduce repetition, and build on their existing knowledge.

Click here to find out more about our Early Career offer.

Full Subject List

We offer both primary and secondary training. Only secondary teachers need to specialise in a subject. All the subjects we offer for ITT are listed below.

  • Art & Design
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Modern Languages (French)
  • Modern Languages (Spanish)
  • Physical Education
  • Physics

Become an ATT Institute Teacher Training Partner School!

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